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In collaboration with the journal Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, SPRINT is bringing together international experts to contribute to an open-access article collection



Ornella Parolini   

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Rome, Italy

Peter Ponsaerts

University of Antwerp

Antwerp, Belgium


Antonietta Rosa Silini

Centro di Ricerca E. Menni-Fondazione Poliambulanza

Brescia, Italy

Perinatal Derivatives and the Road to Clinical Translation


Volume I contains 14 publications from the SPRINT COST Action

Perinatal Derivatives and the Road to Clinical Translation, Volume I

Download e-Book here

Volume II contains 27 publications from the SPRINT COST Action

Perinatal Derivatives and the Road to Clinical Translation, Volume II

Download e-Book here

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